Become A Member
Explorers is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that connects students and
teachers with women wildlife researchers worldwide. It is your support that
allows us to do so. Thank you!
Your membership allows us to:
Create engaging web content and curriculum materials
for students and teachers
Fund research expeditions in the field
Broaden and deepen students' understanding of wildlife
conservation, science, and the world
Provide meaningful role models for girls in science
and technology

Virtual Explorers Membership
There are four membership levels to choose from although
donations of any size are welcome:
- Friend of VE — $35.00 (Suggested)
Classroom — $50.00 (All Classroom Members receive
a certificate of membership, a welcome email from Virtual Explorers,
and an email from the field when we are on an expedition.)
Supporter — $250
Patron — $500 or above (Please
us if you would like your name mentioned on our website.)
There are two easy ways to become a member:

by credit card. We use
for Good for secure credit card transactions. All major credit
cards are accepted.
Or download our
form here and mail it along with your check to our address. The Membership
form is an Adobe Acrobat PDF file.

Please Note
Memberships are renewable
on an yearly basis beginning August 15th of each year. Classroom members
receive a certificate of membership, a welcome letter, and an email
from the field when we are on an expedition.
The IRS requires that
donors who claim a donation valued at $250 or more must have substantiation
from the charity receiving the donation. VE will furnish this substantiation
to you at the end of the calendar year.
We do not share our membership
information with other individuals or organizations.