Where are manatees found?
Based on plane and boat surveys, researchers already know that the Drowned
Ayes are an important area for manatees in Belize. What we want to know
is, which habitats in the Drowned Ayes are the most important for manatees.
We can answer this
question by finding out where manatees like to hang out. In particular we
hope to answer:
Where are manatees found most often?
Where do manatees get fresh water to drink?
Where are the most important feeding grounds?
What are the features of the areas where manatees are
found? These might be the presence of resting holes, grass beds, and
suitable cover.
What are the environmental factors of these areas? These
might be
water temperature, and sea state.
What are the features of the saguaros beds that determine
whether or not manatees use them as feeding areas?