Virtual Explorers is a group of educators
who use technology to explore and discover the world in order to share
their adventures with students and teachers everywhere.
Expeditions of this magnitude require
the generosity of many people. We are grateful to those who believe
in our dream of bringing faraway places into the classroom.
Luke, M.A.
Shelly divides
her time between Santa Clara University where she teaches Technology
and Learning, a core technology class, serving as the Education Manager
for National Semiconductor's Thin Client @ School Initiative, and acting
as lead trainer for National Semiconductor's Global Connections Program.
Shelly is a frequent speaker at technology and education conferences
and does teacher training on the integration of the Internet into curriculum.
She formerly taught at the elementary level for six years where she
specialized in thematic curriculum development, student centered instruction,
and special education. Shelly holds a Master of Arts in Special Education
and two teaching credentials with emphasis on multiple subjects and
educating the learning handicapped. Additionally, she is a member of
the Council for Exceptional Children, the Association of Curriculum
and Development, and the Parents Education Resource Center. Shelly is
also the vice president of the Saint Mary's College School of Education
Alumni Board and sits on the board of edHORIZONS and
Reid, M.A.

Presently Susan Reid is a consultant with edHORIZONS, a professional
development firm in Berkeley, CA. Ms. Reid was formerly the Director
of Educational Technology for the Diocese of Oakland, She served as
a Peace Corps volunteer in Africa, then as a technology coordinator
and math teacher in San Francisco. She received a Master of Arts in
Educational Technology from San Francisco State University in 1996.
Ms. Reid has had extensive experience training educators in how to integrate
technology into learning environments. In addition, she has presented
at a variety of educational conferences, including Computer-Using Educators
(CUE) Conference, National Catholic Education Association (NCEA), National
Educational Computing Conference (NECC), Technology & Learning (T&L),
and the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) TelEd
Multimedia Conference. Ms. Reid is a member of the teaching staff at
the College of Notre Dame in Belmont, California.
Anne Sena

Currently the technology resource teacher at Convent of the Sacred Heart
High School in San Francisco, Ms. Sena previously taught thirteen years
in inner-city and suburban elementary schools giving her extensive experience
working with teachers and students in grades K-12. In her current position,
Ms. Sena works with students and faculty in designing and implementing
curricular projects which include photo manipulation, graphic design,
video editing and digitizing, and multimedia development. As a cofounder
of the Summer Technology Institute for the Diocese of Oakland, Ms. Sena
helped develop curriculum and implement a week-long teacher training
program assisting teachers in designing technology-rich, interdisciplinary
curricula. Additionally, she frequently gives day-long seminars nationally
on the integration of technology into the classroom curriculum, presents
at various educational technology conferences and gives teacher trainings
on the use of technology throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.