Q4. What impact, if any, do the activities of people who live in the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve have on river dolphin behavior?

In all parts of the world *pristine areas where plants and animals live are under pressure because of increasing human population and development. Forests are being cleared for agriculture and industry, fish populations are declining worldwide, and species of animals and plants are going extinct at an alarming rate.

If these plant and animal species are to survive, then we must understand how our behaviors and activities affect them. We can then put in place conservation measures that protect plants and animals. It is important that these measures also allow the people who share these habitats to continue to improve their *standard of living.

Many people live within the Reserve and along its boarders. Their economic well-being is tied to the *natural resources found there. A goal of this study is to understand the lifestyles and natural resource requirements of the local people. This will help us understand how people's activities affect dolphin populations. It is important that the standard of living of local families continues to improve while providing lasting protection for the plants and animals of the Reserve.

We will interview local people to attempt to determine how their activities might affect the dolphins.


Significant Background Information:

The habitat where river dolphins are found is under pressure. Forests are being cleared, increasing pollution is a problem, and hydroelectric dams are increasingly being built along the rivers.




So what?

How does answering the question, "What impact, if any, do the activities of people who live in the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve have on river dolphin behavior?" help us create a conservation plan that protects the dolphins and benefits the local people?

You can find out what data we collected and the tools we used to collect the data by checking the daily data page. Just like us though, you will need to analyze the data in order to draw any conclusions.




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