Friday Morning, August 13, 1999 This morning we traveled to San Pablo de Tipishca, an oxbow lake off the Marañon. We were not able to take the Delfin into the lake as the water was so low. Instead we traveled in the small boats. One group surveyed one part of the lake while the another group surveyed a different part. The lake is an area where many dolphins of both species have been observed by Tamara in the past. This morning however, we only spotted two botos. When we stopped and asked local villagers if they had seen any dolphins they all said, "No, they are in the Marañon river." The water level is almost at its lowest for the year which could account for why there are so few dolphins at this time. Yet Tamara does not know for certain why this is so. This is an area she will continue to monitor over the next year.
Friday Afternoon, August 13, 1999 MidlineTransect (boat remains as close to middle of river as possible) Location: Marañon River B = boto dolphins, T = tucuxi dolphins, U = unidentified Total number of botos = 16 |
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San Pablo village, pause observations |
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