MidlineTransect (boat remains as close
to middle of river as possible)
Location: Samiria River
Platform: Deck of the Mirón Lento
Position Start: s04°53'499 w074°21'123
Position End: s05°03'077 w074°31'574
Observer Positions: Data represents right side of the boat.
Moving upriver
Weather Conditions:
- Start: Sunny, wind speed 4.5 miles per hour, boat speed 5.3 miles
per hour
- Finish: Sunny, wind speed 7 miles per hour, boat speed 6.0 miles
per hour
Water Level: Rising
Start time: 9:44am, Finish time: 5:28 pm (Lunch 1:00 - 2:00)
B = boto dolphins, T = tucuxi dolphins, U = unidentified
Total number of botos = 20
Total number of tucuxi = 11
Total number of unidentified = 1
Total number of dolphins = 32
Time |
Position (longitude, latitude)
Species & Number
10:01 |
s04°54'091 w074°22'020
T 1
10:06 |
s04°53'777 w074°22'282
U 1
10:45 |
s04°51'006 w074°23'499
B 1
10:53 |
s04°50'754 w074°24'038
T 5
1:03 |
s04°54'740 w074°27'364
2:02 |
s04°54'852 w074°27'435
2:31 |
s04°54'459 w074°29'241
B 1
outside Wuista Lake
3:20 |
s04°55'364 w074°30'934
B 1
4:18 |
s04°57'621 w074°32'161
B 1
4:19 |
s04°57'678 w074°32'189
4:23 |
s04°57'993 w074°32'362
T 1
4:26 |
s04°58'249 w074°32'485
B 10
T 3
baby boto and confluence with Yanayace
4:32 |
s04°58'041 w074°32'623
B 3
4:32 |
s04°59'038 w074°32'634
T 1
4:42 |
s04°59'767 w074°32'420
B 1
one is a baby
5:11 |
s05°02'340 w074°22'020
B 2
one is a baby